University of Chicago Medicine and Biological Sciences

Sustainability Mission

Achieve sustainability goals by establishing and promoting best practices, reduce environmental waste while sustaining current operating procedures.

Environmental Challenge

The University of Chicago Medicine and Biological Sciences is committed to putting their patients first by providing a healthier hospital and community. In partnership  with Practice Greenhealth and Stericycle,UCM has established the Go Green Committee  to identify short and long term goals to insure that UCM makes continuous progress on our sustainability journery.

The Go Green Committee meets quarterly on the 3rd Thursday at 8am. The Committee is always looking for enthusiastic and committed members. Please contact Eddie Johnson at 2-1580 or via email at for more information.

Environmental Impact

Nationwide energy usage of hospitals average 8% while energy cost have increased 56% between 2003-2008. (HHI 2013)

Nationwide Hospital waste averages between 7 to 12 thousand tons per day which amounts to an average of 26 Lbs/ of waste per patient day.  (US EPA -HHI 2013)

Pollutants can contribute to personal health issues including chronic bronchitis, asthma attacks, respiratory iliness and even premature death (HHI 2013)

References: "Less Waste" Healthy Hospital Initatives January 25,2012,  http//, "Waste Reduction Model" (WARM)  US Environmental Protection Agency, update June 2014, http//

The Seven Aspects of a Sustainable Medical Center

  • Energy Efficiency – Reduce energy consumption and cost through efficiency and conservation measures that includes design, retro commissioning and other opportunities in optimal energy systems.
  • Water – Conserve water whenever possible.
  • Waste – Reduce various waste volumes and toxicity by focusing on re-use, recycle and seek alternatives for waste diversion avoid incineration.
  • Chemicals – Initiate system wide safe chemical policies and look to reduce and eliminate chemicals known to be a carcinogenic or endocrine-disrupters.
  • Food – Look to purchase food that was grown locally when possible.
  • Transportation – Promote public transportation such as trains, buses, biking and car pooling.
  • Purchasing – Establish policies for environmentally preferable purchases with various vendors and services.

Benefits of Recycling

  • Saves the Earth's precious resources
  • Reduces air and water pollution
  • Helps to mitigate Global Warming and reduces pollution
  • Helps reduce emissions which contribute to greenhuse gases
  • Encouranges sustainabilty for future generations
  • Reduces waste in landfills

Current Recycling Programs at The University of Chicago Medicine

Current Sustainability Initiatives

  • Food - Recycling program that diverts certain materials from the waste stream including plastics, bottles, aluminum cans and cardboard.
  • Energy - Rebates for Lighting retrofits 13,762, Steam Traps $40,870, Pipe Insulation           $ 63,943 and  $5,300 for the Kovler cGMP Chilled Water Loop Connection.
  • Waste Reduction - Hazardous waste, general waste, chemo, sharps, E-Waste, document shredding, batteries and lamps while increasing single stream recycling
  • Purchasing - Programs are in place with key vendors to minimize waste associated with material packaging that is shipped to UCM.

Contact Us

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Eddie Johnson Environmental Services


Doug Daudell Real Estate Management


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