Facilities Management
The Medical Center takes a large amount of energy and resources to operate each day. Energy and utilities have a substanial impact impact on the operating budget. Facilities Planning, Design and Construction has a plan to improve the facilities infastructure over time.
Preventive Maintenance Program
In order to minimize energy consumption our Plant Department has implemented a rigorous preventive maintenance program, thermal scanning of electrical equipment, steam condensate, chilled water pipe insulation assesments, steam trap audit, cleaning of evaporator and condenser coils, filter replacement, and other numerous energy conservation procedures.
Building Retro-Commissioning
Recently there have been a number of retro-commissioning projects that have resulted in energy saving, improved occupant comfort, improved equipment reliability and performance.
Replacement of Inefficient Equipment
As electric motors need to be replaced the goal is to install high efficiency motors and when applicable install variable speed drives. All T-12 fluorescent lamps with magnetic ballasts are being replaced with high efficiency T-8 lamps with electronics ballasts over time.
Construction and Renovation Standards
Each new construction project is reviewed for energy efficiency and when an opportunity presents itself new project are designed to achieve LEED certification. As an example the Center for Care and Discovery which is our largest facility with 1.2 million square feet is LEED Silver certified.
Elimination of Chorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
Refrigeration equipment containing CFCs are being phased out over time with new equipment with having a environmentally friendly refrigerant .
Bottom Line Results
Energy: Lighting retrofits rebate $13,762, Steam Trap rebate $40,870, Pipe Insultation rebate $63,943, and Kolver cGMP Chilled Water Loop Connection rebate $5,300. Total savings in rebates $123,875.
Contact Us
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Ray Cullen Director Plant Operations
Steve Grbavac Energy Manager
Steve Barstatis Project Manager
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Our Operations teams ensure the safety, sustainability and efficiency of all our hospitals and facilities that we manage. Click on the links below to request a service or to learn more about Facilities Planning, Design and Construction.